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Innovative Leadership Behavior and Quality Management of entrepreneurial Ventures in Federal Universities in South-South Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria
The study strategically assessed innovative leadership behavior and quality management of entrepreneurial ventures in Federal Universities in South-South Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria. The population of this study consisted of all heads of departments (HODs) who are involved in leadership and management of entrepreneurial ventures of the federal universities in South-West, Nigeria. The study adopted an ex-post facto research design while purposive sampling technique was used in selecting the respondents. The instrument was vetted by an expert in test and measurement before the reliability test was conducted which produced the reliability coefficient of 0.85 proving the instrument to be reliable for the study. Data collected were analyzed using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) analyses to answer the research question test the null hypotheses. From the results of the data analysis, it was observed that there is significant relationship between transformation leadership and quality management of ventures in Federal Universities in South-West zone of Nigeria. Also, there is significant relationship between participatory democracy and quality management of ventures in Federal Universities in South-West Zone of Nigeria. The study recommended that leaders, managers, head of departments, etc should see it necessary to motivate and transformed their subordinates. Also subordinates/employees should be allowed to participate in decision making. It was also recommended that superiors should observe participatory democracy in order to obtain organizational and team effectiveness.
Usen Godwin IKPE, PhD
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