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Impact Assessment of Cooperative Societies on Rural Development in Etinan Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
This paper focuses on impact assessment of cooperative societies on the development of Etinan
Local Communities. However, a number of strategies have been adopted for the development of
rural communities in the past, but non-seems to tackle rural problems headlong. Critics have
attributed this dismal failure to the policy of top-bottom where the rural people were not
consulted. This paradigm shift from top-bottom to bottom-top where rural people are given free
hand to decide on the direction of their development compelled the researchers to assess the
impact of this approach by using cooperative societies as the case study. To do this, literature in
cooperatives and rural studies were reviewed; objective possibility and integrated rural
development theories were adopted to give direction to the study. However, five research
questions were framed, while 250 respondents were selected from 5 viable cooperative societies
operation in Etinan local government area. The finding revealed that the operation of
cooperative societies has minimal success in term of improved standard of living of the people as
their incomes have increased, but they failed in areas of infrastructure, social amenities,
adoption of administration, low educational attainment, low income at individual and
cooperative levels, absence of extension services, strong informal cooperative based on kinship
bond etc. The study noted that expansion of financial base, drawing government attention to area
of need, training of officers of cooperative for management skill, auditing of account to make
members develop confidence in the societies so as to invest their money, and creating adequate
awareness for effective participation in cooperative activities could accelerate the pace of rural
Key Words: Cooperative Societies, Socio-economic Development
EKWERE, Gabriel Samuel, Ph,D & Emmanuel Amos UMANA, PhD
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2630 - 7200
2659 - 1057
Impact Factor