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The Ibibio alphabet is more than just a means of transcription, it serves as a repository of cultural knowledge and a symbol of unity among the Ibibio people. Each character within the alphabet holds a connotation that extends beyond its phonetic value, often encompassing historical events, myths, and societal values. The study assessed Ibibio alphabets and their connotation in the utilization of communication. The study revealed that the connotations associated with Ibibio characters enrich communication by infusing it with the spirit of Ibibio heritage, allowing speakers to convey emotions, traditions, and local wisdom in a more holistic manner. As a tool for communication, this alphabet goes beyond phonetic representation, enabling the Ibibio people to convey their cultural richness and identity in a manner that transcends linguistic boundaries. By using the Ibibio alphabet as a medium of expression, the Ibibio community keeps their heritage alive and continues to forge connections between generations, ensuring that their language and culture remain vibrant and relevant in the modern world. The study concluded that that Ibibio alphabet represents a remarkable intersection of linguistic expression, cultural heritage, and communication dynamics. It is more than just a means of transcription; it serves as a repository of cultural knowledge and a symbol of unity among the Ibibio people. Each character within the alphabet holds a connotation that extends beyond its phonetic value, often encompassing historical events, myths, and societal values. The Ibibio people utilize this unique writing system not only to communicate language but also to convey a profound sense of identity and tradition. One of the recommendations made was that digital resources such as websites, apps, and interactive platforms that showcase the Ibibio alphabet, its characters, and their meanings should be created to make it accessible to a wider audience and contribute to the promotion of Ibibio culture and communication.

KEYWORD: Ibibio Alphabets, Connotation, Utilization and Communication.

Ngozi Comfort OMOJUNIKANBI, Ph.D And Linus J. LUKE, Ph.D
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