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Flipped Classroom and Academic Performance of Educational Technology Semi-Final Year Students in the South-South Universities, Nigeria
The main objective of this study was to examine the effect of flipped classroom on the academic performance of Educational Technology Semi-Final year students in the South-South Universities, Nigeria. Quasi- experimental research design was used and the study population comprised 861 Educational Technology fourth year students in two federal universities in the South-South of Nigeria. A sample size of 89 Educational Technology fourth year students from two intact classes selected through purposive sampling technique was used to select from the two universities. Instrument for data collection was Students’ Performance Test (SPT). The instrument was validated by three experts and Kuder Richardson Formula 20 was used to determine the internal consistency of the instrument which yielded a reliability co-efficient index of 0.71. The researcher trained the lecturer who presented this strategy for the experimental group and students were pretested; treatment was carried out within 3 weeks and thereafter posttest was administered. Mean (𑋠) and standard deviation (SD) were used in answering the research questions while analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. There was a significant difference in the mean performance scores of educational technology fourth year students taught using flipped classroom compared with those taught using traditional method of teaching. There was no significant difference in the mean performance between male and female students taught using flipped classroom. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that Teachers should adopt the flipped classroom approach because it is a student-centered learning strategy that involves the students rather than the spoon-feeding approach which is an undeniable index of the traditional teaching method.
KEYWORDS: Flipped classroom, Traditional method of teaching, ICT
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