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Farming Practices Employed by Vegetable Farmers in Calabar Agricultural Zone of Cross River State
This study aimed at examining the farming practices employed by vegetable farmers in Calabar, Agricultural Zone of Cross River State. The study was carried out in three Local Government Areas – Calabar South, Calabar Municipality and Odukpani purposively selected and used for the study on the basis of intensity and scale of vegetable production out of the seven LGAs that make up the Calabar Agricultural zone. The population of the study comprised all the vegetable farmers in the study area. A sample size of two hundred and fifty (250) respondents was select using the purposive and random sampling techniques. Questionnaire and oral interview were used to elicit data for the analysis. The instrument was submitted for face and content validation by experts in the field. Test retest technique was used to test for reliability of the instruments. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings from the study revealed that vegetable farmers in Calabar Agricultural Zone are utilizing various farming practices and technologies in vegetable production, including organic and conventional methods. It was recommended that the production of vegetable for commercial and dietary uses should not be at the detriment of our environment. Hence, farmers should be frequently reminded of the damages that conventional farming practices have caused the environment, and as well encouraged to adopt the organic farming practices.
Akpet Eyanji NYAMBI
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