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Environmental Arrangement, Building Openings and the Effectiveness of Natural Ventilation
The study examined the environmental arrangement, building openings and the effectiveness of
natural ventilation to achieve thermal comfort in middle residential houses in Uyo Metropolis,
Akwa Ibom State. Descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population for
the study consisted all middle income housing in Uyo metropolis. The instruments used for data
collection were liquid crystal thermometers, wet and dry bulb hygrometer, anemometer,
questionnaire and the CBE Thermal Comfort Tool (a computer model programme). The
instrument was face and content validated by expert from test, measurement and evaluation
while Crombach Alpha technique was used to determine the reliability of the instrument at 0.84
coefficient. Data obtained were analysed using Pearson Product Moment analysis. The findings
of the study revealed that there is significant relationship the environmental arrangement and
building openings have with the effectiveness of natural ventilation and thermal comfort. It was
recommended among others that environmental arrangement and building openings that allow
for effective natural ventilation and thermal comfort should be used in buildings.
Key Words: Environmental Arrangement, Thermal comfort, building openings, ventilation
Daniel Okon UDOENANG
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2630 - 7200
2659 - 1057
Impact Factor