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Effects Of Herrmann’s Whole-brain Model On Retention Among Secondary School Physics Students In Zaria Education Zone Kaduna State, Nigeria
This study investigated the effects of Herrmann’s
Whole-Brain Model on retention among secondary school physics students in the
Zaria Education Zone, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Two research objectives, two
research questions and two null hypotheses guided the conduct of the study. The
study used a pretest, posttest, and post-posttest quasi-experimental design.
Two academically equivalent schools out of the 15 public co-educational senior
secondary schools (N=1,422) in the zone, with a total number of 228,
constituted the sample for the study.A validated and tested reliable
instruments Physics Performance Test (PPT) with reliability coefficient of 0.78
developed by the researcher was used for generating data. Research questions
raised were answered using means and standard deviations, while the null
hypotheses were tested using a t-test statistical tool at a 0.05 level of
significance with the aid of the computer software Statistical Packages for
Social Sciences (SPSS version 21). There
is a significant difference between the mean retention scores of students
taught physics concepts using HWBM and those taught the same concepts using the
lecture method in favour of the experimental group. There is no significant
difference between the mean retention scores of male and female students taught
physics concepts using HWBM. The study concluded that HWBM is effective in the
teaching and learning of physics in senior secondary schools and it is
gender-friendly. Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made,
among others: Teachers should employ HWBM in the teaching of Physics in senior
secondary schools to enhance students’ retention ability. Both coeducational
and single-sex schools should be encouraged to use HWBM as it was found to be
gender-friendly in this study.
KEYWORDS: Physics, Wave Concepts, Herrmann’s Whole-Brain
Model, Retention
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