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Effect Of Co-operative/collaborative Interaction In Problem-based Learning (pbl) Context On Students’ Achievement And Interest In Basic Science
This study investigated the effects of co-operative/collaborative interaction in problem-based
learning (PBL) context on students’ achievement and interest in Basic Science. It was nonequivalent
control group. To guide the study, two research questions and hypotheses were
formulated. The area of the study was Ikot Ekpene Senatorial District of Akwa Ibom State. The
sample consists of 304 JSII Basic Science students drawn from 4 schools in Ikot Ekpene
Senatorial District of Akwa Ibom State. A total of 304 JSII Basic Science students were used for
the study. Instruments for data collections were Basic Science Achievement Test and Basic
Science Interest Inventory. The subjects in the study were exposed to pre-test treatment and posttest.
Data collected were analyzed using a 2-way ANCOVA. Scheffe test was used to determine
the level of difference between two means. The result from the analysis showed that there is a
significant effect on student overall achievement and interest in Basic Science at 0.05 level of
significance. The result showed that the students who use cooperative/ collaborative learning
strategy performed better than those who studied Basic Science using the traditional base
learning. Students who studies Basic Science with cooperative/ collaborative learning technique
showed more interest than those who use traditional lecture-based learning strategy. Based on
the findings it was recommended that Basic Science teachers should be encouraged to use
cooperative/collaborative learning technique as an alternative and supplement to traditional
lecture based learning.
KEYWORDS: Co-Operative/Collaborative Interaction, Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
Context, Students’ Achievement, Interest and Basic Science
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