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Educational Facility Planning and Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Imo State
The study sought to assess the impact of educational facility planning on academic performance
of secondary school students in Imo State. Expost-Facto research design was adopted for the
study. The research area was Imo State. The population of the study comprised all the teachers
and students in public Secondary Schools in Imo state. The researcher adopted stratified
sampling method to select the respondents. To this end, the total of (183) respondent was used
as sample for the study. Two research instruments namely, “EDUCATIONAL FACILITY
developed by the researcher for the collection of data for the study and for the purpose of testing
the stated hypotheses. The reliability study was conducted with the use of thirty (30) respondents
from secondary schools that were not part of the main work. Cronbach’s Alpha technique was
used to determine the reliability coefficient of the instrument in other to find out whether it was
reliable or not. The data was analyzed using appropriate statistical techniques. For research
question descriptive statistics was used to answer it while independent t-test analysis was used to
test the hypothesis at 0.05 alpha level. The study concluded that there is significant influence of
proper library and laboratory facilities planning on academic performance of secondary school
students in Imo State. It was therefore important to emphasize that at every stage of planning,
from the initial stage of making decisions to evaluations, there is need to harness the advice of
experts, from policy analyst to architects. This will enhance efficiency.
KEY WORDS: Educational Facility Planning, Library Facilities, Laboratory
Facilities Academic Performance
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2630 - 7200
2659 - 1057
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