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Demographic Variables and Awareness of the Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) by Female Civil Servants in Uyo
The study sought to assess the demographic variables and the extent of awareness of the risk
factors of cardiovascular disease (cvd) by female civil servants in Uyo. The descriptive
design of a cross sectional type was used for the study. The study area was the entire Akwa
Ibom State Secretariat Complex known as Idongesit Nkanga Secretariat. The population of
this study consisted of 4803 female civil servants in the Akwa Ibom State secretariat complex,
Uyo. Stratified random sampling techniques was used for the study. The two main
instruments used for the study were questionnaire. Split-half reliability test using Cronbach’s
statistical analysis to determine the consistency of the instrument. Reliability coefficient
obtained was 0.91 and this was high enough to justify the use of the instrument. The data was
analyzed using inferential and descriptive statistics with the help of SPSS version 20.0 at .05
level of significance. The study concluded that there is no significant relationship between
demographic variables of age and educational level of the respondents and the level of
awareness of CVD risk factors. It was therefore recommended that Policy makers should
establish policy guidelines that will enhance adequate and urgent dissemination of
information about CVD to the women and general population of Akwa Ibom State
KEYWORDS: Demographic variables Awareness, Risk Factors, Cardiovascular
Disease, Civil Servants.
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2630 - 7200
2659 - 1057
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