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Cracks on Cement Plaster Walls of Buildings in Uyo Metropolis, Akwa Ibom State: Causes and Remedies
Cracks on plaster walls are not just unpleasant, but they are indications that something is wrong in material selection or procedure used for application. Vertical and horizontal cracks in drywall or plaster walls typically indicate drying and shrinkage, which is normal after construction. Jagged cracks, stair step cracks and 45-degree angle cracks generally signify structural movement or settling issues that are occasionally serious but usually harmless. Plastic shrinkage crack could be found when an excessive amount of water is lost from the plaster in the first few hours after its application. These cracks are hairy in nature and if proper care is not put in place to solve the problem, there is the possibility for future occurrence. This paper will look into the causes and possible ways of solving plaster cracks in buildings. Uyo Urban area according to 2006 census has population of 554,906 with a density of 1,300/km2. The Uyo Metropolis covers a radius of 10,000km from the city center known as Ibom plaza.
KEYWORDS: Cracks, Cement plaster, Wall, Uyo Metropolis
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