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Control of Insect Pests of Chilli Pepper (Capscicum frutescens) Using Aqueous Garlic Extract for Sustainable Agricultural Development in Africa
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of different levels of Allium sativum and lambda-cyhalothrin in the control of insect pests of Capsicum frutescence at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Department of Crop Production and Horticulture, Lagos State Polytechnic, Ikorodu. It comprised of five levels of aqueous garlic extract (10, 20, 30, 40 and 50g of garlic extract / litre of water), recommended rate of lambda-cyhalothin and untreated control plot. Parameters measured were growth parameters, yield parameters and pest control parameters. Finding from the study showed that aqueous garlic extract applied at 20g per litre of water increased plant height, number of leaves, number of fruits per plant, fruit diameter, most effective against insect pest of chilies pepper among the treatments and consequently with high fruit yield. Regressing increasing rate of garlic concentration and plant growth, pest control and yield components of C. frutescens showed significant positive relationship. In view of the significant difference among the treatments, A. sativum extracts at 20g/litre of water can serve as alternative to synthetic insecticides in controlling insect pests of pepper as pathway to sustainable agricultural development in Africa.
KEYWORDS: Capscicum frutescens, garlic concentration, lambda-cyhalothrin, growth and yield.
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