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Availability Of Supports And Effective Management Of Families For Improved Academic Performance Of Students
In most countries like Nigeria, where marriage is predominant, there seems to be factors that fluctuates the economic stability of extended families and smaller families. Even when there is reliable source of income in the home, much is needed to be critically analyzed in order to avoid economic setbacks in the home. The study will help to identify various strengths and weaknesses of the family on economic as well as the social life of people. It would provide first-hand insight into some of the problems faced by extended families even those with smaller families as well as remedies to make families have appreciable social and economic standards. The study concluded that marital instability brings about stress, tension, lack of motivation, and frustration. And these manifestations act negatively on a child’s academic performance while poverty, high rates of unemployment, and financial constraints may contribute to large numbers of fathers failing to take responsibility for their children. One of the recommendations made in the study was that students’ academic and emotional well-being should be given appropriate attention for that can go a long way in ensuring that their potentials are harnessed and put into use for national development.
KEYWORDS: Economic setbacks, Remedies, Family size and performance of students
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2630 - 7200
2659 - 1057
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