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Assessing the Effectiveness of Open Access Finding Tools
The open access (OA) movement seeks to ensure that scholarly knowledge is available to anyone
with internet access, but being available for free online is of little use if people cannot find open
versions. A handful of tools have become available in recent years to help address this problem
by searching for an open version of a document whenever a user hits a paywall. This project set
out to study how effective four of these tools are when compared to each other and to Google
Scholar, which has long been a source of finding OA versions. To do this, the project used Open
Access Button, Unpaywall, Lazy Scholar, and Kopernio to search for open versions of 1,000
articles. Results show none of the tools found as many successful hits as Google Scholar, but two
of the tools did register unique successful hits, indicating a benefit to incorporating them in
searches for OA versions. Some of the tools also include additional features that can further
benefit users in their search for accessible scholarly knowledge.
Key Words: Open Access (OA), Unpaywall, Lazy Scholar, Kopernio
Teresa Auch SCHULTZ, & Jeremy FLOYD
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2630 - 7200
2659 - 1057
Impact Factor