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Affixation Process In Itu Mbonuso Language


One of the major ways of mastering a grammar of a language is by mastering the processes of word formation in that language. This is so because the mode of word formation is a major influencing factor in the structuring of its grammar. Affixation is a grammatical devise that involves the attachment of morphemes bound or free to the root elements or stem for the formation of new lexical items from existing ones. This paper analysed the forms and structure of affixation in Itu Mbonusọ language using different morphological operations. Various forms of word formation strategies involving affixes in the language were applied with the assumption that all languages have their peculiar system in word formation and of course sentence formation as well in which cases are all rule-governed. This paper derived it data from some native speakers of Itu Mbonuso through direct interview and through analysis of the data discovered that there is certainly an affixation process in the Itu Mbonusọ language and the processes include: prefix, suffix, infix, circumfix and interfix. These processes are similar to other neighbouring languages in this group.

KEYWORDS: Affixation, Language, Itu Mbonuso

ENANG, Victoria Sunday
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