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Acquisition Of Information Communication Technology Skills For Teaching Effectiveness Among Academic Staff In Colleges Of Education In Nigeria


The study sought to assess acquisition of information communication technology skills for

teaching effectiveness among academic staff in Colleges of Education in Nigeria. The study

adopted Expost-Facto research design. The study area was Nigeria. Two objectives were drawn

to guide the study: to ascertain the relationship between social media communication skills and

teaching staff effectiveness; to establish the relationship between e-mail communication skills

and teaching staff effectiveness. Two research questions and hypotheses were reviewed and used

in the study. The population of the study consisted of teaching staff in Colleges of Education in

Nigeria. The sample size of this study constituted 324 respondents. This sample size was

obtained through simple random sampling technique. The instrument used in this study was a

research questionnaire tagged: “Information and Communication Technology Skills for

Teaching Effectiveness Questionnaire (ICTSTEQ)”. The instrument was face and content

validated, which was done by one expert in test, measurement and evaluation and one expert in

information and communication technology. Cronbach Alpha technique was used to determine

the reliability of the instrument. The reliability coefficient obtained was 0.80 and this was high

enough to justify the use of the instrument. The results of the statistical analysis for the

hypotheses were tested for significance at 0.05 alpha levels. The study revealed that there is

significant relationship between social media communication skills and teaching staff

effectiveness. It also revealed that there is significant relationship between e-mail

communication skills and teaching staff effectiveness. It was therefore recommended that

government of Nigeria should embark on a massive computer literacy training programme

nation-wide particularly for teachers and learners at all levels and that this should be

accomplished through in-service training for teachers, workshops, seminar, and conference.

KEYWORDS: Information and Communication Technology, Skills, Teaching

Effectiveness, Academic Staff, Colleges of Education, Nigeria

ESSIEN, Nseabasi P. Ph.D & ONUOHA, Peace Chisara, Ph.D
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